15 June, 2019

Mindfulness On Demand: Turn Almost Anything Into A Mindfulness Meditation

By |2019-06-06T11:11:03-07:00June 15th, 2019|Mindful Methods|

I went to Bhutan last year and had the unique experience of doing my morning mindfulness meditation to the sound of a dozen or more barking dogs across the river. It was wild! And it provided a great learning opportunity. Part of what makes the practice of mindfulness so uniquely powerful is that [...]

1 June, 2019

Make Mindfulness Your Own: 3 Ways To Get Started

By |2019-05-21T07:47:16-07:00June 1st, 2019|Mindful Methods|

Mindfulness is the practice of focusing our attention on thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and experiences that we consciously choose to focus on. It is a peaceful counterbalance to both the reactivity and the “autopilot” way of being we so often experience in life. I enjoy using Loving Kindness phrases in my mindfulness practice, [...]

20 May, 2019

Use Mindful Methods Like There’s No Tomorrow: to Ensure There Is One!

By |2019-05-14T08:23:10-07:00May 20th, 2019|Mindful Methods|

I found myself saying to a friend, “I’m using my mindful methods like there’s no tomorrow — just to ensure that there is one!” This made me laugh, and I knew I wanted to share it with you. All too easily, moments of anxiety, sadness, anger, or fear can overwhelm us and have [...]

10 May, 2019

Tap Into Mindfulness Anytime, Anywhere with 4 Easy Steps

By |2019-05-07T10:59:37-07:00May 10th, 2019|Mindful Methods|

One of the things I remind my students (and myself!) most is that mindfulness is a practice. Yes, it’s a “practice” in that it’s a method, but in this case I am literally referring to the fact that – in order for it to be an effective, long-term strategy for bettering your life [...]

1 April, 2019

Mindfulness Is a Practice: Don’t Forget the Humor!

By |2019-02-19T08:34:22-08:00April 1st, 2019|Mindful Methods|

A friend recently asked me, “How long is it going to take to figure out this life stuff?” I said, “I don’t want to sound demoralizing, but it’s really a lifetime practice managing your emotions and your stress and your sorrow. It takes a lifetime.” Mindfulness is a tool that can help us [...]

15 March, 2019

Depression and Mindfulness: Keeping It Real

By |2019-02-19T08:08:27-08:00March 15th, 2019|Mindful Methods|

Years ago, before I started my mindfulness training, I was devastatingly, clinically depressed. I even considered suicide. Luckily, I got help immediately with a very good therapist and anti-depressant medication. This gave me the space I needed to begin the very hard work of learning to soothe myself. This life we live in [...]

20 February, 2019

Use Mindfulness to Stop Spreading the Anxiety Contagion: Anxiety Is Contagious… but Luckily, So Is Happiness

By |2019-01-29T11:32:36-08:00February 20th, 2019|Mindful Methods|

We all know what it feels like to be going about our business and be emotionally blindsided by someone in a state of anxiety, anger, or unrest. Even if we had been feeling pretty alright before that, it can be challenging to leave those kind of interactions without absorbing some of those emotions [...]