About Julie Potiker

Julie Potiker is a mindfulness expert with extensive certifications and teacher training in a variety of tools and methods, including Mindful Self-Compassion. Her new book is “SNAP! From Chaos to Calm.” Through her Mindful Methods for Life program offerings, Julie helps others bring more peace and wellness into their lives. Julie's first book, “Life Falls Apart, but You Don’t Have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos," is now available on audiobook.
27 September, 2016

Reflections on Sunday’s Grand Opening of the Balanced Mind Meditation Center

By |2016-10-13T12:43:52-07:00September 27th, 2016|Balanced Mind Meditation Center|

Robyn Cohen, the Sports, Fitness & Wellness Director at the JCC is rock solid, and a rock star. She was the ultimate in mindfulness Sunday, setting up the tables and making sure everything looked beautiful. She is magnificent at guiding me to manage my expectations and have patience as the Center builds slowly into a [...]

19 September, 2016

Balanced Mind Meditation Center Grand Opening

By |2016-10-13T12:43:52-07:00September 19th, 2016|Balanced Mind Meditation Center|

Life is busy. Crazy busy. No one understands this better than me. My life had become so stressful I started having serious medical issues and was sure I had a brain tumor. After a battery of medical tests, my neurologist recommended I try mindful meditation. This began my transformative journey to becoming a master practitioner [...]

16 August, 2016

Mindfulness Is Everywhere – Even In The Grocery Line

By |2016-09-19T12:55:03-07:00August 16th, 2016|Mindful Methods|

I was noticeably frazzled today. I was gone on vacation (I know, lucky girl, champagne problem!) for 10 days and my first day home got stacked up with item after item, many items having deadlines that are today. When I was in line at the grocery store at dinnertime, always a relaxing time to be [...]