1 May, 2018

Mindfulness for Your Toughest Parenting Moments: Parenting Mindfully When the Chaos Kicks In

By |2018-05-01T06:53:51-07:00May 1st, 2018|Mindful Methods|

If I lived by the statement, you are only as happy as your least happy child, I would be one unhappy cookie. As a matter of fact, I was one unhappy cookie until I took my happiness into my own hands and heart and unhooked it from my kids through therapy and mindfulness [...]

21 April, 2018

What Is Mindfulness Anyway?: A Closer Look At What Mindfulness Is (And Isn’t)

By |2018-04-20T13:36:51-07:00April 21st, 2018|Mindful Methods|

There is a quite a buzz around mindfulness these days, and rightfully so! Studies have revealed a wide variety of benefits, including: Less stress, anxiety, and depression More emotional well-being Better interpersonal relationships An easier [...]

20 March, 2018

Mindfulness for Overcoming Fear and Embracing Creativity: How Mindfulness Helped Me Write a Book

By |2018-03-19T14:13:44-07:00March 20th, 2018|Mindful Methods|

Raise your hand if you’ve ever let that internal voice of doubt or fear keep you from starting, engaging in, or completing a creative project. What if it’s not good enough? What if I’m not good enough? What if no one likes it? This voice can be like a bucket of water dumped [...]

10 March, 2018

Yahrtzeit: Easing the Pain of Difficult Emotions with Mindful Practices

By |2018-03-08T09:30:05-08:00March 10th, 2018|Mindful Methods|

On February 28, right before sunset, I was backing out of the driveway in my car, anxious to get to my Dad’s apartment to take him to the dining room of his beautiful senior residence in La Jolla, California. “Wait, stop!” Danielle said, running up to my car window. “What [...]

1 March, 2018

My Journey to Mindful Self-Compassion: Learning and Teaching Self-Soothing Through Mindfulness

By |2018-02-27T15:19:19-08:00March 1st, 2018|Mindful Methods|

When I first registered for MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Center for Mindfulness, I knew after eight weeks of training that a whole new world of education and practice was opening up for me. The scientific research showing the benefits of mindfulness was compelling, and [...]

15 February, 2018

You’re Never Too Old To Be Happy: Joy Is Ageless, Find Yours

By |2018-02-12T12:17:58-08:00February 15th, 2018|Mindful Methods|

You are never too old to rewire your brain for more happiness and resilience. There is a fabulous YouTube video seen by more than half a million people called “Confessions of a Jewish Mother: How My Son Ruined My Life.” Selma Baraz, the late mother of James Baraz (of “Awakening Joy” fame) recounts [...]

1 February, 2018

Tooling Up with Mindful Methods for an Emotional Day

By |2018-01-29T11:33:34-08:00February 1st, 2018|Mindful Methods|

This was my second time euthanizing a beloved pet. Last time, when I took Dusty, our 17-year-old bulldog/shih tzu rescue dog to put him out of his misery, my reaction took me by surprise. I had to triage my body on the spot, throwing all my Mindful Methods at myself one at a [...]

15 January, 2018

Rewire Your Brain In 2018: Stay Calm Amidst Chaos With This Simple Practice

By |2018-01-15T07:26:50-08:00January 15th, 2018|Mindful Methods|

Wouldn’t it be great to make this year the year that you don’t get so triggered by all the usual suspects? Wouldn’t it be nice to stay calm in traffic, get out the door in the morning without stress, and interact peacefully with the biggest button pushers in your world? Mindfulness can and [...]

1 January, 2018

Can You Commit to One Minute?: How to Practice Mindfulness Every Day

By |2017-12-22T10:43:29-08:00January 1st, 2018|Mindful Methods|

That sense of inner peace and calm we all crave? It is possible to tap into it on demand through mindfulness, but it takes practice. In fact, the more you practice, the more access you will have to calmly responding rather than merely reacting to life’s most challenging moments. Give yourself an easy [...]