15 September, 2017

Get Grounded With a “Here-and-Now Stone”: Learn To Use a Small, Physical Object To Ground Yourself

By |2017-08-28T09:52:36-07:00September 15th, 2017|Mindful Methods|

When life’s whirlwind starts up, it’s nice to have something to grab hold of that reminds you to stay in your body, stay present and feel your feet on the ground. For me, the simplicity of a stone works wonders towards this end. I call it my “here-and-now stone.” Find a stone [...]

1 September, 2017

6 Steps to Lay Off Your Inner Critic: S/he's Been Trying To Change You For Years, But You’re Ready To Take The Reins Now

By |2017-08-23T15:21:58-07:00September 1st, 2017|Mindful Methods|

We’ve all got those voices in our heads that speak to us in not the nicest of tones. Those voices are our inner critics. They try to keep us safe, but not in the best of ways. These are usually the internalized voices of our primary caregivers from early childhood. NOTE: If your [...]
